Monday, March 2, 2009

I just want to freeze time!

So at the risk of boring everyone, let’s say a few words about getting older. This is not a condition I was prepared for. Nor did I plan for. Some souls are out there carefully planning old age and retirement, and I figured if I planned for it I’d probably never make it. I didn’t even give it that much thought.

When I was a kid I can remember walking home from elementary school and thinking about becoming a teenager, and even becoming 16 and driving! I even contemplated 21! There was no notion of ever being any older, certainly not a reality. I was walking by Freddie somebody’s house, I can’t possibly remember his name but he had red hair. However, his father drove a 1949, ‘50 or ’51 Chevrolet that was covered with Cat’s Paw logos, so he must have sold shoe accessories to stores. I remember thinking I’d always remember that day, as I could remember the car, and I was right!

One of the first things I notice is my family is pretty much dead! All the parents, Uncles and Aunts that filled my daily existence are pretty much gone, except for, in my case, my Aunt Hilda who is alive, 90 and great! I try and talk to her every week. I try and talk to my mother as well, but my Aunt is alive so she answers me back (my humor).

My cousins are all getting old, just like me. My oldest cousins are pushing 90, so I know I’m old.

The aches and pains are manageable, but they don’t get better. They used to come and go; now they just come and stay. They are like vultures, waiting for the end.

My kids are old, at least the boys. Even my youngest boy is about to turn 40 and just had his second kid. They are all older than I ever thought I’d become.

I had no death plans ever, but no life plans either. I just sort of stumble through life, trying to make it, a day at a time.

I have now depressed myself by reading what I’ve written. With the death of a few childhood friends, it has hit home more than ever that we are temporary. I’m sure Freddie Harris who had the Cat’s Paw logo car (I just remembered, thankfully I can still do that) may be out there, and breathing, but who knows?

Thankfully I am still working which keeps me surrounded by people, even young ones, who never depress me. My girls see me as the old man, a grumpy, too loud old guy who is a bit crude. They are correct. I do get nastier as I get older, or maybe just crankier. It just seems to come with the territory.

I am happy; I just want it to stop! I want to freeze time and stay my age, and everyone to stay alive!


  1. From what I have read the best way to stay young and freeze time is to have daily sex. Wont your wife love me for that one

  2. Forget her, I love you for that one! When will you be coming by?

  3. She'll probably be coming by to pop into your nursing home bed with you. Since this is the Year of the Lox, I'll be coming by with a bagel and smear for after the Viagra. After all, what are real friends for. Alex

  4. Alex, you killed me! My love has no bounds, I do.
    What's worse than someone who knows you too well!

    I love you too!


  5. I once hear Allen Ginsburg cry out "Who says you cannot walk into the same river twice.
