Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Minnie Mouse's Dirty Little Secret

I was at a dinner party in 1975 in Kansas City. My family and I lived there for a year while I worked at the Kansas City Art Institute, through grant funds, working on a special project.

Moving there with a ten month window of opportunity, we looked to make some friends fast, and we were able to meet and greet some great friends. It was a wonderful place to live and I really enjoyed my stay and subsequent visits.

The dinner party consisted of several couples and a newly single woman. I have no idea who she was, although I know who some of the couples were. I had never met this woman and have never seen her since. I have no idea what her name was.

She did look, I’m afraid, much like Minnie Mouse. This really means she was small, dark and cute, but she had that look that still reminds me of Walt’s best. As well, we were in Kansas City, where Walt had gone to art school.

This was the time of the sexual revolution, and Erica Jong’s “Fear of Flying” was riding high! There was some talk at the table about oral sex, for which at least one couple made serious problematic eye contact while other s giggled in delight. But for Minnie Mouse, there was another big problem.

Minnie (as I shall call her) had a hidden secret which she had never revealed to anyone, and with some wine and a sexually charged community, it seemed she was willing to tell.

It seems that she never washed her hands when she went to the bathroom!

She would finish, wipe herself and run the water in the sink in case anyone was listening, but she never really washed her hands!

I didn’t shake her hand goodnight as we left!

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