Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy New Year 1959

My high school fraternity had planned a large New Year’s party welcoming 1959. We had rented a very nice restaurant, had a great jazz band and a dance floor. It was very upscale for us, and looked to be a great occasion.

Edgar, one of my friends, had been hospitalized because of a car accident some weeks before, and was slowly healing in the hospital. In those days, no one went home early. He was doing OK, not great, and had sustained some massive breakage.

Mike (one of my best friends) and I discussed the party, and made an interesting decision. We thought it would be great for us to get Edgar to the party, because why should he miss such a great event?

Mike had recently broken up with his girlfriend, and had no date. I had a date at that time, and could be involved in planning “the great escape” but could not participate, and miss part a of the party.

We went to the hospital and worked it all out with Edgar.

Mike went down to the hospital at about 8:30 p.m., after the good nights from the staff, and walked up the five floors to the room. He snuck through the halls and got Edgar dressed. Dressed meant a bathrobe over his pajamas. He walked Edgar (on crutches) to the freight elevator and got him to the car.

He arrived at the party a little after nine thirty!

He was yellow in color, looked like hell, but smiling like a crazy man! We all rallied to his side, the band played, we drank illegal booze (Edgar did not), we got him to a chair, and he stayed a while. Mike left in half an hour and got him back to his room. They had pillows stuffed in the bed feigning sleep.

The nurses asked the next day if he had gone to the party, as he had told them he would, and he said that he had. They all laughed as they were sure he had dreamed it.

We all lived, Edgar got better, Mike got a new girlfriend, I found another one and the world kept on going.

This story needed to be told as both Mike and Edgar passed away in 2008.

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