Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vitamins P and D

Yesterday my youngest daughter had her 15th birthday. After being showered with gifts already, we asked her what she’d dinner. She asked us to go downtown to the Chinese Barbeque place and get her a Barbequed Duck and some Barbequed Pork. (Her oldest brother said she needed vitamins P and D.)

After lunch across the street at the Vietnamese place, we wandered over to the barbeque place. We ordered, and waited for our stuff. I saw a cup of toothpicks suiting on the counter, and having just finished lunch, I figured I could use one of them. I leaned over to take one and the proprietor stopped me and said they were for trial pieces, and would I like to try the half-fat pork. I had already said we wanted lean pork, not half-fat for our dinner but he seemed so intent on our having this delicacy, I could say nothing but yes, and I wanted a toothpick anyway.

In Chinese, he ordered his cook to cut us two pieces of the pork. He chopped several pieces out with his large chopping knife, reminding me somewhat of John Belushi doing Samurai Butcher. He proudly handed us the toothpicks with this precious morsel stuck on top.

I expected hot and juicy, what I got was room temperature and fat! It was a piece of cold, cooked pork fat! I smiled as best as I could and chewed as little as I could and worked my way out of the building. My wife, also receiving this morsel, was much better than me. She almost looked pleased. We took our many parcels and went back to the car.

I know every ethnic group has their own specialty, and not everyone appreciates everything. They had a chicken foot special which we avoided.

But still, cold pork fat!


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