Monday, April 13, 2009

The old days...

Lois Wolfe was the French teacher at the Junior High and we both started at the same time. I think she stayed two years and moved back to Massachusetts and married her boyfriend Andy. I am happy to say they are still married and life has been good for them.

Lois and I were friends, as were many of the teachers at the school. It was a very friendly, harmonious group, who enjoyed doing what we were doing and complaining about it as well.

Sometimes, usually right before school breaks, we would get together, and once in a while we would go on a Friday after school to a local bar to have a beer or two before departing for home.

This was perfectly fine with the administration, as there were no rules to stop us, but in those days one would try and have some decorum. We certainly did not want the kids to know we were going to the bar.

There was a lovely bar and restaurant right down the street from the school, but it was owned by parents of one of the kids, and seemed like that was not where we wanted to be seen. However, about a mile away down the old route 1 highway, which had become a secondary road in modern times, was a Motel, Bar, Restaurant and I think a trailer park called Strickland’s. It was a nice place, cheap and cheerful, and an easy drive for anyone of us who wanted to go.

One Friday we were all going out, and when I reached the Strickland’s parking lot there were a few cars I recognized already there.

As I was stepping out of my car, Lois pulled up into a spot near the highway, and I walked up to meet her so we could go in together. Just as we turned to go to the bar, a school bus streamed by with lots of kids at the windows, screaming and waving, “Miss Wolfe! Mr. Greenblatt! Hello!”

There, in plain sight were two of their teachers, after work, walking together into a motel! This was not a situation easily explained.

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