Saturday, March 26, 2011

I can't get it up (my arm, that is)

I had just written about my big fall last Friday, and making fun of myself as usual, when another week went by and lo and behold, here it comes again! I am the king of self deprecating humor.

Standing at my construction site, in my sparkling new (embarrassingly so) steel toe boots and wearing an appropriate hard hat I was prepared for anything, anything except ice, that is.

As I stood and watched people doing actual work, nursing a bad right shoulder left over from last week’s fall and grab (the banister), I slipped on the ice. I fell to the earth snapping my right shoulder against a short brick decorative wall and falling on the shoulder. My first thought after the embarrassing moment ended was that I broke something and I gradually checked each visible appendage to see that they all worked. The problem seems to be that my right arm was not working. I was able to move it, albeit with my left hand, not always a convenient way to shake hands etc. I had much pain, and was sitting on an ice bank with wet knees, a wet seat and lots of arm, shoulder pain.

The guys with me wanted to help me up but I declined, knowing it would be a painful event. I knew if I worked at it, over time, I might be able to stand. I didn’t want to take the time to go to the hospital as I was waiting for someone and didn’t want to disappoint my guest.

Over the course of the rest of the day, going out last night, sleeping, waking, walking Max and making breakfast I have realized that I may be ambidextrous or that overnight God has made me left handed.

I have full use of my right hand as I am sitting and typing into a computer. I can use my arm in a downward position, and do not need help (THANK GOD) in the toilet. I just can’t raise my arm above my hip. I can move it there with minimal pain using my left hand, but not a long term solution.

My mother was still right, as I said in yesterdays post, and I do bounce. For an old guy I can fall and not do too much damage but this sucks! I may actually have to see the doctor on Monday and seek some relief.

I hate this crap! I want to be healed! I need a miracle cure!

I need to send $5 to some radio preacher guy out there for a healing prayer cloth.

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