Monday, November 29, 2010

Flying At Half Mast

I used the men’s room today before I left the building at lunch time.

At noon I went shopping first. I stopped at a small store near my office and spoke with a woman I have known for years and discussed a problem I was having and was looking for her solution. We chatted a while and I noticed she was looking in another direction.

I was concerned as she was never that way before, at least not that I had noticed. She was helpful, and I was very satisfied with the service, but things just seemed a bit off.

It didn’t bother me consciously; it sort of sat there in my head and would have died except, after I left, I decided to go to McDonalds. I got out of the car and went in, and while standing in line decided to check my fly. I was flabbergasted, it was full wide open!

Of course she was looking the other way! I am now embarrassed, but I do understand she wouldn’t have said anything. People are too polite to point out the booger on your upper lip, your open fly or even, as has happened to me, let you know your garage is on fire for fear that you’d find them intrusive!

People, be aggressive. Let the poor schmuck know his dingus is hanging out or whatever the problem is. It is more embarrassing to the person to go around that way than it is to tell them the truth. A moment of uncomfortably on your part may help another person lead a better life.

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