Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rena's Cookbook revisited

Two years go or so I posted the blog, "Rena’s Cookbook".

Many of you have found this artifact, and I have added the few “foodie” pieces from Arthursdays to sort of update the site, which was complete when I put it in the first time.

I decided to repeat the link to the site because I’ve added new readers as time goes on and they may never have looked into the back postings. It was done as a labor of love, as is this whole site.

It becomes clear to me that I do this for me. It is making me the writer I never dreamed I was, and as my audience maintains or grows (I know not which), I want to bring back some of the past “hits”.

I don’t know who reads this one except when I’m told. There are a few I can count on, some old friends and some old relatives, and an assortment of others. I am always surprised when I hear from some of you, usually by email or sometimes by phone or Facebook, that you’ve been reading something I’ve written and thought it was funny, or moving or even stupid.

My wife, who you may remember does not approve of all this, tells me it’s creepy!

My second son told me two women in his office in Chicago read it from time to time. I will not tell stories about him in here, at least not using his name. I’m sure some already exist.

In my mind its fun, and a great way to be creative for a continuing audience. Since there is no money involved in this, it has to be for the love. So, here is the start of the old post.

When my mother passed away at the beginning of November, 1997, we were left with the task of cleaning out her apartment. In that effort, we almost lost my mother's recipe box. It is a 50's printed red metal box that almost slipped out of our grasp and into the trash.

My mother was not known for her cooking, and often made fun of her own dishes. We used to joke about her cooking. For many years, as you know, we all lived together in the same house on Walcott Avenue, my Mother, my Father and my Grandparents. “Bubbe" did most of the cooking, especially at holiday time. But with her passing in 1967, and my Father's in 1970, my mother became the cook for herself and her father until his passing in 1976. After that, living alone, we often spoke of cooking, new ideas, and new ways to prepare old dishes. Most of these recipes reflect another time, where canned foods were the basis of food preparation, not today's lighter, fresher ingredients.

Many of the recipes stuffed into the box were from friends and relatives, some noted as such with names attached and others anonymous. Many came from Jell-O boxes, product inserts and newspapers. I have copied all the ones that were hand written and Xeroxed, and have not included the printed ones because you can get your own Jell-O box.

This is an amazing collection. Some of my personal favorites are not included, because she already knew how to fry chicken, or make our favorite family veal chops. These recipes must have been things she didn't make regularly so she needed a recipe. These are not a legacy as such, but a glimpse into a time, long forgotten. Holiday foods, special meals and even an alcoholic drink (from my Aunt Hilda) are included. I hope this all brings back warm memories for you as it does for me.


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