Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Earworm

This morning’s earworm was very strong. The earworm, as described on Wikipedia is:

Earworm, a loan translation of the German Ohrwurm, is a portion of a song or other music that repeats compulsively within one's mind, put colloquially as "music being stuck in one's head." Use of the English translation was popularized by James Kellaris, a marketing researcher at the University of Cincinnati, and McGill University’s Daniel Levitin. Kellaris' studies demonstrated that different people have varying susceptibilities to earworms, but that almost everybody has been afflicted with one at some time or another. According to research by James Kellaris, 98% of individuals experience earworms. Women and men experience the phenomenon equally often, but earworms are more likely to last longer for women and to irritate them more than men.

This morning while walking Max the Wonder dog I found myself singing this out loud, the Frank Sinatra version, the one I remember best of all. But then, I also relate this song strongly to Eddie Cantor, of vaudeville fame and an early television star.

So, while not much of a story, I leave you to look and listen to both of these and make your own decision about which, if any, you prefer. As well, I have no idea where this all came from this morning.

Editors note:

I found out where the earworm came from!

I was taking Max out this morning and I always talk to him as we go out, and when we walk. I was getting ready and looking for my shoes. I said (this morning),” I’ve got a lot of shoes here in the garage” and it hit me, here is the lyric:

Alot of shoes, alot of rice

the groom is nervous. he answers twice

its so Killin that he's so willin'

To make whoopee

The Earworm start has been discovered!

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