Monday, October 11, 2010

The Interview

Set in the late 60’s to early 70’s, the interview was arranged. The candidate for the position (college teaching) was to come to Baltimore by train from New York, early, so the interview could take place in the early afternoon. The candidate had no time to eat breakfast, and I gather by the time he arrived in Baltimore, and made his way to the school, he was ready to go into the interview. There was no real cafeteria at the time, so the candidate, nervous and hungry, ran into the school, found his way into the candy machine area and bougconsumed four candy bars for ”breakfast”.

He arrived well sugared!

The Dean had invited the Department Chairman to sit it on the interview, of course, and all was to commence.

The Department Chairman was a bit of a gnome, a good teacher but truly a strange and annoying kind of person. The interview started, and the Dean was there to make sure the Chairman acted “normal” and all would be smooth sailing. Then, the secretary appeared at the door and the Dean had an emergency to handle. He had to excuse himself for a few minutes, as he alone was needed to stem whatever tide was brewing.

He returned just a few minutes later to find the candidate rushing past him,. The door to his office open and the Chairman was lying on the floor, holding his nose with a handkerchief while blood spilled forth.

The Dean told me, many years later, “I was just gone a few minutes!”

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