Friday, August 6, 2010

Porn stars with bad eyesight that have radio controlled cameras eliminating cameramen.

This is one disgusting commercial! First of all, it’s only toilet paper. Secondly, who the hell cares? Some guys sat around a room and dreamed up, or used focus groups to find a “disease” that we all could relate to with toilet paper.
The truth is, I can’t relate to this. I have never had a problem that I can remember and I know I’ve never seen such a problem because I would definitely remember this one.

I am sure women use much more toilet paper than men, and probably are responsible for buying much more of it than we are, but still, no woman I’ve ever seen has had such a problem and no one anywhere would admit to having one. It is way over the top!

I just found this blog on the net and it seemed appropriate.

Worst Use of Coffee in a Commercial

In Coffee in Pop Media on January 1, 2010 at 6:06 pm

I just saw the latest Charmin Ultra Soft toilet tissue commercial. You know, those are the ones where the bear always has a few pieces of paper clinging to his butt fur when he wipes. I always thought they were pretty funny in a gross kinda way.

The latest one though features both coffee and espresso in a very bad way as a metaphor for coffee. They use the concept of less is more, as in less espresso gives bigger push than more coffee and less Charmin wipes up more poo than more regular toilet paper.

So the husband bear switches to espresso for more caffiene and Charmin so he doesn’t have clingons around uranus.

It’s gross on 2 main accounts. I could name more, but I’m losing my appetite as I speak. Number one- coffee should never ever be used in any way in conjunction with dark matter (poo). Number two- no type of food product should be featured on a toilet paper commercial. Yes, I know that all loo activities come from the original act of eating, but do we really need to associate the two. No, we don’t.

I tried to think of people this “problem” (made up by some ad guys I’m sure) would affect, and here it goes:

1. Proctologists

2. Porn stars with bad eyesight that have radio controlled cameras eliminating cameramen.

3. Small children in diapers with arthritic grandparents.

4. Cartoon Bears.

I have it on good authority this morning, that a friend of a friend of mine had this happen to her (a woman in B.C.) early in a relationship where the new beau told her sheepishly that she had toilet paper stuck in her butt!

OK, I guess it is possible, just its not a daily household event!

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