My youngest daughter, who hates to be mentioned in these pages and usually is, is a great baker. I was always a pretty good cook, and early in my life I learned to cook and taught my boys to do the same. When I was married to my second wife she took over the cooking duties most of the time, and I am relegated to a few items, eggs, Asian food, barbeque and an occasional Jewish ethnic dish that I clearly grew up with where my wife grew up with things like Welch Rarebit!
She has taught my daughters to cook and bake, and I have baked very few things in my life and they are not memorable. Sure, I can follow a recipe as good as the next guy, but I’m no natural. My daughter is. The one thing we noticed we were missing all these years was a Kitchen Aid Mixer. We have a small, hand held mixer which has been fine for most things, but when you need a dough hook, etc., you need a serious mixer. Kitchen Aid is the one to buy, and we finally did it.
On Monday last week in my story about Lothar Hoffman, I said, “I was dropping my daughters off at Mapleview Mall in Burlington, ON so they could go shopping on Sunday, and I decided to stay for a while and shop a bit, have lunch and kill some time rather than go home and have to do some pressing clean up thing I didn’t want to do in the first place, so I stayed. I shopped a bit at Sears and looked around at other stores, and off I went to the food court for a Thai lunch”.
I never mentioned that Sears had a sale on a Kitchen Aid mixer, and they kept giving me discounts, and they made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. When Sears sold off their credit card business they cancelled all non performing cards (mine hadn’t been used in a few years) without telling us they did it. However, I had to reapply for the card (less than two minutes at a register) and they gave me a $10 credit. Then, when I purchased the mixer, I rubbed out a patch on a card and got another $20 discount. This was a good day to shop!
I came home and opened the mixer and it sat on the counter all week while we all were at work. Last night, a Friday night, I was asleep ion the couch “watching” television my daughter got busy. The mixer was out and had been running. We have raspberry topped brownies, and they are spectacular!
And as I said,” If you give it to her she will use it!”
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