Wednesday, August 4, 2010

21st Century Grandpa

I watched a guy today at McDonalds with his two grandsons. He was keeping the kids busy while his daughter got food for all of them. They seemed to be an obviously upscale kind of a group, the kids were very well behaved, the Grandparent was elegantly dressed for a very hot summer day at McDonalds, and the daughter looked like the poster girl for L.L.Bean.

In Dundas, this is a very unusual look, as most of us poor slobs are just sloppily hanging around. I had on my usual baggy jeans, plain color polo and a pair of multi-colored Sketchers. Grandpa was wearing striped shorts, the kind of shiny striped material that dress pants are made out of. These were tailored shorts, a sort of Bermuda length. He had on an out of the pants shirt, but it was pink striped, shiny, and had a white collar and cuffs. This was big time dressed up lunch wear.

This guy had on two pairs of glasses, one to wear and one to hang around his neck to use for reading on top of the others. He was probably from New York and was visiting the family.

However, I digress, because this is about a 21st century Grandpa. He amused the kids, one sitting on either side of him, about 4 and 5 years old, with photos of the family. What amazed me is that he was prepared to do this on his i phone! OK, maybe it’s because I don’t have one, and I don’t really know how to do this on my phone, that I was jealous. This guy was not young, albeit he may have been younger than me, but he did know how to use it. As they got a bit antsy, he moved on to viewing web sites with them showing them weather forecasts from New York.

It wasn’t much, but it foretold a technical change in the force! The times they are a changin’

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