Friday, September 25, 2009

Razor Wars

In May, I wrote twice about Ockham’s razor. Today I want to write about regular razors, the kind you shave with and the kind everyone knows about.

When I started to shave, we used double edged blades in a safety razor, a nice chrome one with a screw bottom thing in order to change blades. We used to change them when they seemed dull. Then, I found the modern injector blade, a mechanical marvel which had only one useable side but was very sleek, it seemed. Some of us bought the British marvel the Roll’s Razor, a left over from some war which held its own stone and strop and blade in a neat little case and could be sharpened over and over forever. It didn’t work too well for me, and I was cut up a lot, but I figured it worked better under war conditions.

I did try electric ones several times but to tell the truth, I hated them and I have no story there.

Now, we move on to disposable razors. These are made by lots of companies, but my favorite became the Gillette Custom Plus Pivot Disposable Razors. I bought them for about $8 for a bag of 10, or about $.80 a piece. These have become harder to find as Gillette and the other companies go into new worlds. I have purchased them twice at Costco, in a 52 pack (about a year’s worth I guess) for $28, or about $.54 a piece.

While we were away in Montreal recently, I became aware that I took only one used razor with me, and since my wife was going out to the drug store, I asked her to pick up a disposable razor. We were in downtown Montreal, and not near a big box store, so she had to buy whatever she found. She bought a pack of Schick Quattro Razors. They have four blades and System performance in a disposable razor with a rubber guard bar, lubrication strip, optimized blade span and more comfort less irritation (this is from their web site).
I loved them! They were magic! OK, let’s figure this one out.
They last a very long time, about a week plus with continuing comfort where my poor Comfort Pluses go for four days. (I know, 52 don’t last a year, I think it’s a marketing image.)
There was a problem, they cost $12.75 for three, or about $4.25 a piece, which is probably more than the original chrome, last a lifetime, permanent razor cost in the 50’s when I bought it!

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