Thursday, September 24, 2009

A little liquid can cause many problems...

This little foot is not mine!
A little liquid can cause many problems. Slipping on it can cause a major fall. I, however, did not slip on it, I ingested it, and it caused me to hurt myself.

It was Saturday evening, just after five o’clock, and I was getting ready to go out to a dinner party, when the idea hit me that more than anything else, I’d like a drink. So I poured a very generous Black Russian, and quietly sipped my drink while watching the Food Channel. I decided to go upstairs and get ready, and walked down the hall and smashed the little toe on my left foot into the stair railing. This was done with great gusto and hurt mucho! I think I broke my toe!

My wife has been hounding me ever since to go and get an x-ray and see what happened. “Go to the Doctor, Go to the Hospital!” she exclaims, but to no avail.

I know they always tell everyone that there is nothing they can do. I have taped the little toe to the rest of the foot and it seems to help.

On a question the Doctor website it said:

Typically, the person doing this has caught the little toe against a door, or a table leg, running in barefeet. The toe is often broken, but it doesn't need to be to be painful, and strapping to its buddy is the most commonly recommended treatment. Bruising and swelling is also very common, and sometimes causes more concern, but even then the problem is not too bad…..
Apart from strapping it, the toe should be kept elevated, and ice packs applied. The healing process effectively starts the moment you injure it, and steadily improves over the next few weeks(!). By about 4 weeks the bulk of the pain is the meantime some painkillers and open shoes should make life a little easier...Sadly you will now find out exactly how often one knocks one's little toes throughout the day! It is very rare for these fractures not to heal (if that is what you have), but it can happen....

I limp around, and I do better with no shoes and socks, but that’s not really possible during the day. Lighter shoes work better for me and I still have some dog walking responsibilities.

As I said, “A little liquid can cause many problems!”


  1. Arthur if that is your foot ...what's is with the nail polish?? Barb

  2. It says, above the foot, this little foot is not mine!

  3. ooppps I didnt see that note.
    Its makes me very happy to see it now though!
