Monday, February 15, 2010


When we purchased my youngest daughter’s bed, it seemed like it would be there forever. She was about six and this was an IKEA Bangsund bed, a very high bed with storage underneath which could last a lifetime, and besides, it weighed 400 pounds and was packaged in two boxes, one which weighed 275 pounds. The guy from IKEA helped me get it into my car, and we removed the boxes in pieces, by opening them up in the car and carting the pieces upstairs in many trips. Once together, I was sure I’d be long gone to my final reward before this monster would move again. How wrong I was!

My daughter and my wife planned a redo of her room. Now sixteen, she had different tastes than she did at six, so out everything must go including the 400 pound behemoth.

My wife looked around for someone to take it and she found a new mother at work that was willing to relieve us of the bed. She and her husband were to come over yesterday to get the bed. The new floor can’t go in unless the bed is gone! When they arrived they took one look at the bed and backed out of the room declaring it too big for them! We were stuck with nothing to do but deconstruct the bed, take it downstairs to the garage, and put it up on Kijiji.

If you need a giant bed, really great for kids who do not have a fear of heights, call me!

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