Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Cookie

Yesterday morning at about 10:30 I was hungry. I know it’s not unusual, and it’s almost always about the same time, but I really wanted something good. I went to the candy machine and looked at all the newly placed items, and there, at the bottom of the machine was a cookie.

It was a big, soft cookie, and was an oatmeal raison with added Omega Three. It was a healthy snack for sure, especially when compared to the chips and candy bars in the machine. I was hooked.

I put in my $1.25 for the cookie and went to get a big coffee to go with it.

Every morning at work I have a Diet Coke at about 9:30 and a coffee at about 10:30 or 11:00. This is a years old habit, but usually I don’t get any food. Of course I could be prepared with some sort of healthy snack, but years of watching Barney with the girls have left me with the notion of a healthy snack always being carrots and celery and the like, and I just wouldn’t be happy with that.

I opened the package and tasted the cookie. It was sort of a textured cardboard but sweet. It had some tooth to it, and was passable, just not something I would particularly want. Now, at $1.25, I was invested in it. I continued at my computer, slowly savoring my cookie and drinking my coffee when I made a decision, I would grab the cellophane package and read the nutritional information to see how wisely healthy my decision had been.

The cookie had 420 calories and 15 grams of fat!

I could have a cheeseburger at McDonalds with 300 calories and 8 grams of fat or gone to Tim Horton’s and had a Chocolate Dip Donut with 210 calories and 8 grams of fat and been better off that I was with this less than wonderful cookie.

So the machine is dead to me (although the most convienient) and I need to be better prepared for such an emergency.

I’m going into my office this morning and find the rest of the cookie (I did stop eating it when I read the label) and throw it out!

1 comment:

  1. Keep a stash of McDonald's cheeseburgers in your desk drawer. Also, nonfat ice cream in your favorite flavor is a good desk-drawer snack. You can keep it cold with ice cubes.
