Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

I was falling asleep last night in front of the TV very early, and the phone rang with a message for my youngest daughter. I thought she told me Martha called. I dozed again after trying to call my wife at Yoga to tell her to have my daughter call Martha.

When they came home I gave them the message and was yelled at for calling in the end manipulations of Yoga (Savasana) and making noise. Then I was yelled at because my daughter knows no one named Martha. My daughter yelled at me and said I was a complete idiot!

They tried Marnie, who didn’t call, but had two baby sitting jobs for my daughter, and Marissa, who had called.

OK, it wasn’t a great feat, but I caused two jobs to happen, so some good came out of it.

This morning I went out, with my baseball cap on, to walk Max, our dog. When I came back in my daughter said, “Oh, here comes the overgrown 12 year old” followed by, “Are they talking the mental institution out to the ball game today?”

My daughter may be a complete idiot!

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

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