Thursday, December 9, 2010


It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark

Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart

You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it

You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes

I was at a community traffic pattern meeting last night at our local town hall. It was crowded and hot and just not enough room to move. This was a good sign, because it means many people were upset or concerned about the traffic patterns going into the future in our little community.

Just parking was a trial. I decided not to attempt the regular parking they share with the library, and I went behind into the neighborhood but it was all full. Next, I tried the main street but not a chance. So I decided to go behind the big church, down on the radial path, a good place to find legal parking. It was all but empty, just one other car. I parked, skirted the cemetery and went out to the main street and walked down to the town hall.

After standing and listening for an hour and fifteen minutes, my feet were starting to tingle. There was no place to even lean, and it was going on. I decided I’d had enough, and I knew where I could find all the information on line. The available information could not be seen as all the posters were covered by people.

Time to leave I realized, and I went out the door. I walked across the library parking lot and crossed over to the street, went into the church driveway and had no realistic other way out than to cut through the cemetery.

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run

You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun

You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination, girl!

But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind

As I walked through the stones to my car I began to talk out loud! “If you’re out there, please don’t jump out and scare me. My heart can’t take the strain!” I was laughing, and alone, and was speaking to gravestones. “Please don’t do anything to startle me!” I exclaimed.

They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side

They will possess you unless you change that number on your dial

Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together, yeah

All through the night I'll save you from the terror on the screen

All I could hear was the music from Thriller coming into my head from inside of me! This was weird. I am never scared by stuff! This was a unique, late night through the cemetery horror movie set up.

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night

Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try

Thriller, thriller night

So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller, ow!

I reached my car, pressed the little button on my fob and the lights came on! I was saved! I went home and watched TV in peace.

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