It was the mid 70’s and I was at the mall talking to some friends in the food court I believe. Within my peripheral vision I spied a shape I recognized as a fellow faculty member from the Maryland Institute. He was a popular artist and teacher, in his early 40’s and married. I thought it was odd, this urban weirdly sort of hip character hanging around a suburban mall. I don’t believe he saw me, and he very quietly went into the movie theater in the middle of the afternoon, with no earthly reason to be there, as I looked to see what was playing. There were no “arty” movies, and at best it was middle of the road crap. I continued talking and barely noticed this, and would have forgotten it that day if the events did not continue the way they did.
As time progressed, about ten minutes later, a well to do youngish (early 30’s) Jewish housewife and part time student at the College, wandered into the mall. She did not look out of place, and I would not have even noticed her presence except she too entered the movies at that point.
I leave the story to you. Who knows? Maybe I was wrong and the movies were really great, and one o’clock on a weekday afternoon is a popular time for art students and their teachers to be at the movies.
Was it just a simple twist of fate?
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