Monday, October 26, 2009

God moves in mysterious ways

I found this on a blog today and was so confused and upset by it that I thought I'd copy it from their site and present it to my readers. I have removed all links to the organization, and give you most of the message without making it possible for you to send money to them.

Read it carefully and understand that somewhere out there, all this makes sense to someone. If you really want to send them money or seek more advise from them I'll be happy to provide you with their information if you contact me.

I am not trying to provide them with more publicity, and I'm really not sure what they're doing, but I'm bringing it to your attention.

Pray for Your Pets in the Rapture

Pet Representatives After Your-lift-off will enforce contracts between concerned Christian pet owners (CCPO) and ATHIESTS who claim to rescue pets post rapture(ARPPR). Our members are NOT atheists, just devout believers in the Great Mystery of creation who cannot commit to serve any God(s) capable of understanding by human minds. Our members do not profess to know that pets owned by CCPO will be left behind in the rapture and, as pet lovers, hope that such will not be the case.

For your Christian payment (in an amount that you believe is worthy of protecting your beloved pets) we will guarantee that should the Rapture occur within the time period covered in your contract with any business which offers to rescue your pets post rapture, we will immediately secure legal enforcement of said contract or seek damages to be placed in trust to ensure the care of your pet for its lifetime.

Your generous payment will be a small price to pay for assignment of the rights to enforce your contract and, most importantly, for your peace of mind and the health and safety of your beloved pets.We will accept assignment of contracts to rescue all species believed by CCPO to have been created by the Christian God.

Thank you for your interest in Eternal Earth-Bound Pet Representatives. We hope we can help provide you with peace of mind. To legally assign us the right to enforce your contract with ARPPR complete the following, attach a copy of your contract with ARPPR, and mail with your Christian payment to:

Address withheld by me

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