Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Clown for Dinner

In the 90’s, we were on the road somewhere in New England, and ended up in a lovely restaurant. We were tired and hungry and wanted to eat. My daughter was about four years old at the time, and had a dread fear of clowns, which should have had nothing to do with our dinner.

As we sat and chatted about the menu and what we would have, a clown passed by the door into our part of the restaurant. My daughter “freaked”. We could barely calm her down. She was petrified!

However, we were able to order dinner and calm down the situation.

The clown, upon hearing a crying child, decided that as soon as he was finished with the family he was with, would make matters better by coming to see the child and help out. This proved to be a disaster, of course.

I had to explain it to the clown and escort the clown out of the room. My wife had to remove my daughter from the restaurant and take her to the car, and I was left with the waitress coming at me with three dinners.
“Please make those to go”, I requested, and left the restaurant with a big bag of dinners in Styrofoam containers to try and eat in the car!

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