Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bailing him out of jail...

In 1979, I was the relatively new Dean of CCS in Detroit, and I had a phone call from one of the faculty members. This was in the morning, and he seemed quite agitated. He had been arrested that morning, for parking ticket violations, and I was his one phone call.

He was in a Detroit jail, in a pretty good neighborhood, but still it was jail. He was very scared about staying there, knew he couldn’t reach his wife by phone and he decided to call me. Besides, his wife couldn’t get the money he needed. A guard had been beating on a guy in the cell across from him and it was not his day!

He asked me please to get $400 in cash and come over as soon as possible, to bail him out!

I went to our recalcitrant business manager and asked him for the $400, which he was immediately suspicious of, but I assured him as we paid this guys salary, we could be assured of getting the money retuned. He reluctantly gave me a check for $400.

I had to go to the bank, cash the check, and get my faculty member out of jail right away. He was a mess, and delighted to see me. The police station personnel were OK, buy I was guilty of something by association, for sure.

I got him home and he made it back to work the next day.


  1. It wasn't me! It wasn't me! I swear it wasn't me! If enough people swear it wasn't them, we'll be able to figure out this crook by process of elimination. Unless he lies.
