Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Teachers room dilemma ......

From 1963 until 1970 I taught Middle School in Howard County, Maryland. This was a great, wondrous time in my life; a time when my boys were born and growing up, a time of great learning for me. It shaped the rest of my life and my chosen profession, which was not “revealed” to me when I started in 1963. I needed a job and one was available. The fact that I loved it and continued in that direction was a bonus. However, lots of wild and wonderful things happened to me during this time, some of them I’ve already discussed:

May 5, “On the way to Woodstock something happened”

April 13, “The old days”

April 12, “The one on the right is the teacher

April 11, “Citizen’s arrest”

There were so many incidents over those seven year that every now and then another comes to mind.

Our school secretary was a wonderful lady. She was a great looking, middle aged single woman. Her good guy friend was an administrator in the system. He moved about the county and would show up from time to time to see her or on school business or both.
I was in the teacher’s room during my planning period, having a cup of coffee and reading something when our secretary turned on the microphone. We had an early communication system where the office could call an individual classroom or the whole school with a message. She was looking for me (for some unknown or remembered reason) and did not find me in my room. She decided to make a whole school call to flush me out of hiding. She started to say “Mr. Greenblatt, please come to the office” when her friend snuck up behind her. He was a funny and clearly wild guy and I, to this day, have no idea what he did or where he stuck his hands, but what came out from her was,” Oh, Mr. Greeeeeenblatttt!!!!!!, please (with giggles following)”.

My life that afternoon was a blur of junior high school aged kids (it was the end of the day) laughing and pointing at me and asking me what I had to to the secretary, and staff just laughing their heads off. I had a great time blushing and trying to explain the whole mess.

However, that day, my stock went up in the school hierarchy!

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