Monday, May 2, 2011

The Teddy Part Two

Again, not the model, it's just the teddy I'm talking about.

If you remember I wrote and the teddy on April 15. I said in part,

“Cool guys, when I was a kid, would brag about how they could remove a girl’s bra with a snap of the fingers, just a snap and the little hooks would open. Now I’ve lived a long time but as far as I’ve ever seen, even with complete cooperation, this was not possible.

No matter how hard I worked at it, there was a degree of skill developed over time, but no instant snap worked.

The Teddy was another thing indeed! I had no idea where to start. Even in long ago hind sight, I was dumbfounded. As I remember, I had to ask her to remove it as I didn’t know where to start. I was over 40 year’s old (she wasn’t) and this was too much for me!

I have no more stories to tell as the rest is lost in memory. Let’s just say the rest of the night was magic! It probably wasn’t, and the woman would remember this a different way, but let me put myself in the best perspective! I guess that may border on bragging”.

The mysterious woman described sent an email that said, “I remember I had one of those years ago”.

I sent an email to her, who was the impetus for this story, and I said,

“The story is about you!

All names are removed of course, and the fact you didn't remember it is good. You are memorable to me. I didn't have to be to you. We all remember different things anyway but I loved the idea that you didn't notice it right away.

I didn't answer on Facebook because it's public”

She responded,

“OMG! Now I remember. I'm snickering. Fond memories. Yes in deed ….”

I replied, “The story is so memorable. The teddy was red I think, and you looked great!...”

The Teddy is the gift that kept on giving……..

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