Monday, May 16, 2011

I’m Putting My Foot Down!

Not actually our stairs, but close enough for a descriptor.

On Saturday I was waiting for some guys to come over to give us an estimate on some house repairs. It was raining, and when they rang the bell, I peaked out the door ,and rather than take the chance of Max escaping because they didn’t deal with the vestibule door correctly, I simply told them I’d meet them outside and they should go through the side gate.

I went through the garage door from the laundry room to the back, and that door is closing slowly, causing Max to run by me, through the garage door to the side yard, and he rushed out to the backyard. He jumped on the guys and was a bit of a nuisance, but after they were finished I yelled at him, promised him a cookie to get in, and he returned.

I needed to do something else and went out back a few minutes later and Max escaped again. My daughter realized what had happened as I went downstairs to use the computer; she yelled at me and at him and ran out to round him up.

My daughter went ballistic at me, screaming terrible things at the top of her lungs in the back yard as she yelled at Max to return. He was not going to do it.

She was insane out there and I knew I better do something so I came up and yelled at Max to return, which he did running all the way. All this happened as it was pouring, of course.

My angry and upset daughter stomped into the house, and as she reached the laundry room door from the outside, her foot went completely though a precast concrete step and it self destructed!

As she stood there in the rubble, in the midst of a hundred and fifty pounds of broken concrete, she was stunned!

I have never seen it happen, but clearly what we had was 27 years of water damage at work! She had not “done it”, she was simply the last straw!

My poor angry daughter was so upset I could only work at calming her down, something I was not the one to do that day. It really had to wait for Mom to come home and deal with her upset daughter. I simply shoveled the disaster into a wheel barrow and figured I’d take care of it today.

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