My daughter, the baker, was hard at work on February 13 making cookies for Valentines Day. Now we do celebrate this as a family, and always have. I know many people don’t bother with it, but it’s a nice way of reminding yourselves that there is love in your house, even if it’s only for your kids. However, my wife and I always exchange gifts as it seems like the right thing to do and we always have something for the girls.
Both girls received Starbuck’s gift cards as it’s something they’ll use, and my daughter that’s still home got a big red pillow shaped like a pair of lips.
My daughter told me the week before, when she and my wife came home from the spa, that I was to buy my wife a spa package for Valentines Day, and I believed her! I did as she said. What am I nuts? To go in another direction would have proven not smart.
I received a book I wanted and some chocolate, my favorite thing!
So my daughter was working hard making decorated cookies, and both my wife and my daughter told me in no uncertain terms, there is a cookie for Max (our dog) on the plate. Do not eat Max’s cookie. You can see it on the lower right side with a paw print on it.
I took the photo so I could show you, packed up my stuff, and left. I returned at noon to get something I had forgotten, thought to myself, “Great, I’ll eat a cookie. This one is not a good one, it has a mess on it. I’ll eat that one.”
You guessed it, between the morning and the afternoon, I had already forgotten and I ate Max’s cookie!
It was not a dog food cookie; it was a regular cookie specially decorated with a paw print for Max. I was dead meat! There was nothing I could say or do to console either my wife or my daughter. Max could care less; he loves any cookie you give him, especially a human cookie, all sweet and good.
I survived because Max didn’t care.
I will try and remember the directions.
I will try and remember the directions.
I will try and remember the directions.
(try writing this fifty times…..)
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