Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Unevetful Event

We were in San Diego at a rather plush hotel, and wanted to get some dinner. First we went to the bar for drinks. There was my dear friend and his wife, and my wife and I. We had several martinis, probably two each and than we were off to the restaurant. We had directions, and one of us drove the car.

The restaurant was fantastic, I have no recollection of the name, but the waiter asked us if we had ever had this restaurant’s salmon. We of course said we hadn’t and he assured us it was the best salmon in the world.

By that point we had at least one or two more martinis and if he said it was so, we believed him. We ordered salmon, and it was, for that moment, the best in the world!

We had a bottle of wine or two with dinner and probably some dessert.

The hotel was about six blocks from the restaurant, and we decided that my wife was the only one capable of driving anywhere at all, so she was elected. In those days before MADD etc., it seemed like a good idea.

The ride back was uneventful and we were home in a few minutes. There is little to be remembered about that evening, except for the salmon and the ride. It was probably the last time either my wife or I drove a car when we were that far gone.

It was clear to us, from the next morning on, that driving was not a contact sport, and maybe we had better slow down. We both consider that event to be a turning point in our lives, based on the fact that nothing bad happened.

We think it was a sign!

It was, an uneventful event.

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