Thursday, February 23, 2012

In the end, we thought this was a missing dog story.

There was a hold up, a slashing and we think a carjacking in Hamilton a few nights ago. The police give chase until they get near my house, many miles away. The car ends up on a lawn, a block away.

They catch one guy and the other guy runs down my street for a block and crashes through my friend’s fence and runs across his lawn and through their neighbor’s lawn in the back. Lights are flickering (police cars) starting at about 1:30 a.m., and when I see the shadows, I assume there must be a snow plow, although I did think it weird as we had no snow when I went to bed.

My friends do not know that any of this has happened and let their dog out in the yard in the morning. The dog goes missing as there is no gate any more on their fence having been smashed open by the bad guy.

My friends get called by the pound after searching all morning for their dog, telling them they have the dog, having been picked up on our street thankfully. The police let them know they are part of a crime investigation so they will not be fined for a loose dog as they had no idea the fence was gone.
In the end, we thought this was a missing dog story.

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