Monday, October 31, 2011

Interrupted Conversation

So we had this dinner with friends on Saturday night, as we did on Friday and Sunday as well, but each group was different. On Saturday the conversation seemed to morph as the wine was more consumed, and the last conversation I remember before I left the dinner table, not to return, went sort of like this:
“You know we have the earth, and we have the moon”.

Me- “uh huh…”
“ Guys go up there, and they piss and shit and eat and everything else just like we do”

Me-“ uh huh….”

“ And I have to pay taxes, and I can’t just go sit on my roof and look up and not pay taxes”

Me- “uh huh….”
“Well, why is that?”

Me- “what?...”

“You know, why do I pay taxes on this. It’s not mine at all”

Another speaker:
“Right, in this country we can’t ever own our property. It’s not fair. In the states you have property rights and we should have them!”

“Right, why do I have to pay taxes when they can go to the moon and not pay?”
Me- “uh huh…”

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