Monday, July 11, 2011

My wife looked at a small spot on my arm and said, “What is that?

Note: This is not my hand although I guess it could be.
My wife looked at a small spot on my arm and said, “What is that? I don’t like the looks of it!”
I said, “It’s an age spot”

She said, “Could be cancer, let the doctor should look at that!”.

I grumbled.
A few weeks later I was at the Doctors office with my wife and I said, “Will you look at this, my wife thinks it’s a bad thing,”

She said, “I don’t like the looks of that, go see the dermatologist!” and she made a referral for me and I was hooked in the system.

A medical student working in the dermatologist’s office said, “What are we looking at, and I showed her and told her what had happened so far. She said, “It’s an age spot!”

The dermatologist came in and said, “What are we looking at?” I said, “I think it’s an age spot, my wife and doctor think it’s suspicious and your assistant here thinks it’s an age spot”.

He said, “It’s a maturity spot (better name)!”

I said, “Great, no cancer here”, and I went to leave but he said he better look me over for fear my wife would find more. He did look me over and found nothing.

He said, “Now that I looked you over, your wife will not be able to send you back with more stuff!”

I am now relieved and I am beautiful!


  1. It's a potato thing like mould. Get some Efudex cream or better yet, get the dermatologist, who called it a maturity spot to maturely remove it with a fraxil laser. Takes 10 seconds and you'll feel 30 years younger. Andi
