Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Haircut

I arrived at the haircut place at about 10 a.m. yesterday. Almost simultaneously, a young woman arrived and parked next to me. We both got out of our cars and went in. Being chivalrous or at least old school, I held the door open to let her in. As it happens, she got the very next spot and I had to wait a bit.

She was a nice looking woman, probably in her mid 30’s, with a bad haircut, unfortunately, going where I go, to a mass chain hair cut place is the cheapest answer but not always the best. However, when asked what she wanted she had not a clue so she gets what she deserves I guess. As you can see on an early Saturday morning it was quiet and I had nothing else to do but watch her and the other guy in the chair before me getting some sort of flattop. He was the right age for this and was a geek at best.

My turn came up, post geek, and I got into the chair and we talked a bit. It was mainly me talking about how quiet the city was over the long weekend and how my daughter and I had been out to dinner the night before and how quiet it had been for a Friday night in downtown Hamilton.

When finished, I went to pay, and the haircut person said I should wait as the other haircutter was not quite finished with the other woman. I asked why I had to wait and she said I could pay for them both at the same time.

I was startled! Why was I doing this? She said, “Isn’t she your daughter?”

The woman having her hair cut thought this was a great idea that I should pay for her. I insisted I had to go but she would pay for me. We all laughed as it was explained that because we both came in together, they all thought we were together.

The funny thing is, in my mind, I was thinking (but thankfully kept this to myself) that this woman was way too old to be my daughter! The real truth is that my oldest son is 48 so of course she was not too old and I shouldn’t be offended, but because my daughter in question is 17, I just automatically considered that only a teenager could possibly be my daughter. Not everyone would see this.

I paid for myself and left, wanting to tell my new found daughter that there are better places to get her hair done and that she needs to go find a style! She really was pretty underneath all that bad taste. And if she were my daughter……

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