Sunday, July 17, 2011


After installing artificial turf in front of our newly renovated building, I went outside on Friday to walk over to the library and found an older woman (older than me) bent over looking carefully at out mnow completed lawn. I asked, “Can I help you?”

“Is it real”, she said and I told her it was. I explained the process and what it was called, as she asked for a name of the product and I explained it was artificial turf. “What about the black stuff, the dirt?” she asked, and I explained it was ground up automobile tires spread throughout the surface and it acts pretty much like dirt but it weighs down the carpet. I expected a negative reaction and was pleasantly surprised that she had a positive one. She was amazed.

I did explain that we did not have to pay to cut it regularly, did not have the kids trample it each summer and turn it to mud when it rains. This eliminates the dirt and dust being tracked into the building most of the summer and fall.

She left very pleased and I asked her to come back in a week or so when it will be entirely installed as thye still are working on the final stages.

That was the first time I’ve ever had anyone looking deeply into my lawn anywhere.

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