Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I fell down the stairs today...

I’ve fallen down our steps twice. Once, when we first moved in, I was running down the stairs, and five years later I slipped in the early morning hours, my bare feet on the carpeting and rolled downward into the wooden chest at the bottom of the stairs. I was not badly hurt either time, but that was ten and five years ago and I do not get any younger.

After my father-in-law fell a few years ago, he went flying off of a step and flew into a wall, I believe I learned my lesson. He broke his shoulder, his head was cut open and he began a downward spiral from which he has never retreated.

Early this morning, about 6:30 a.m. I slowly went down the stairs and held on. I slipped three steps from the top, and I fell a few steps. I was holding on the railing with my left hand and because of that, I help on like a high wire performer holds on to the wooden dowel he needs to stand.

What can I say? I avoided the inevitable and my left arm is now three inches longer than my right.

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