Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Girl Next Door

This started like a fantasy, and maybe, in some small way, it was.

I was single, living in downtown Birmingham, MI, in a house scheduled for demolition. I had just moved out of my family house and found a very temporary place. It was a great little duplex, with my having one side and this fun filled, former drug dealer living next door, who I really liked.
The owner was an architect who had a four unit housing project planned for our corner (eventually built) and needed some limited income while he waited for zoning,
and I needed a no-strings deal for a while, until I knew what I was going to do.

I had taken a computer home from work to use. This was 1984, and I had an Apple 2 with no internet, I may not have even heard of the internet at that time, but I had some games. This was set up in my living/dining area on my makeshift table, a door with saw horses.

OK, it sounds pathetic, but I was working on living in a new situation.

It was a beautiful warm spring/summer day and I was sitting home on a Saturday morning playing computer games. (This really is pathetic!)

A knock sounded on my door, and I went to see who it could be.

There was a lovely young lady on my porch asking if I would mind if she sun bathed on my lawn! It seems the old neighbor used to let her do this before he went to jail for trying to kill his estranged wife with a bomb! (Yes, there is another story here as well!)

So here was this lovely woman in short shorts and a short top asking if it was OK. "OK", I said, "it sounds wonderful". She then said she needed to go home (she lived in a large, older apartment building next door) and slip into something for sunbathing! She wasn’t wearing much already but sure, it was OK with me.

“Would I like to join her?” (By now I’m looking for the Candid Camera because this can’t be true.) “Sure” I said. “I’ll be right back” she said.

Stunned, I sat there and tried to fathom my next move when the phone rang. My friend called to see if I wanted to go to Grosse Pointe and go out in his boat. “Can I bring a date?”, I asked. “Who’re you bringing?” he said, “I don’t know her name”, I said.

She returned in very little, kind of a bikini as I remember, and I asked her to go with me and she went.

The rest is history.

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