Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Car Story

Last year I was having a problem with my car. It was hesitating when I started and turned corners and the Traction Assist information flashed across the information screen in my car. I was very concerned but looked on the internet and learned it could be a computer glitch in some weird unrelated piece of stuff on my steering column. I took it in and the garage guys told me after a computer look that it was just such a problem and if it continued I should bring it back, as it was intermittent. I agreed and never saw it again until last week, when it got cold.

I related the concept to perhaps cold weather, and it was irritating, and I was on the verge of dealing with it, but I have to make a long trip this week, and decided to wait and see if it went away.

As I got into my car after work yesterday, all hell broke loose. The Traction Assist light lit, and the Service Stabilization Unit message came on followed by the Service Brake Assist message and the ABS light went off.

I had messages galore as well as two lights on full blast. The car seemed fine but I was in a panic. I was in a hurry, but I went directly to the garage and asked for help. I was assured, that even if I had a big trip planned, the ABS and the Traction Control were not problems unless I was going into a snow storm which is highly unlikely.

I asked to be seen today if possible, and they put me into the book. I asked for a loner vehicle and they had one and I was written into the calendar. They offered me a car and said  I could leave mine but I needed it last night and didn’t want to go out in the loner car with their name emblazoned on the side.  I decided to come back this morning with my car.

I started to drive out of the lot when I pulled over and ran back inside. Everything had just gone back to normal! The lights were gone. The messages stopped. The traction control was fine and the car was great last night in a cold and bad rainstorm, I got a high-five from the garage owner as he removed me from the list.

The Lord moves in mysterious ways I guess, but all seems to be right with the world this morning!

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