Thursday, October 9, 2014

21st Century Mom

I was in line at the supermarket, killing time. Next to me was a mother, about in her mid to late 30’s, with her son, who was about 7 or 8. We were at the front of the lines, next I guess, and we both started to put things on the belts. As I was getting my stuff, she whacked her son “up side the head” with a package, and I could hear it hit! 

It was an error, and she was all over him apologizing with OMG! Honey, what did I do? Oh my dearest, I am so sorry!

It was a pretty hollow box of stuff and he hardly felt it, and did not cry and it was fine. She continued to fill the belt, but now had my attention.

There it was, the reason she hit the kid! Her focus (her attention) was on an iPhone she had in a death grip in her left hand! She was reading texts while shopping, and never saw her package as a weapon, she just kept on reading.

She hardly skipped a beat!

I hope she changed her focus for the ride home.

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