Saturday, November 22, 2014

No. no Arthur, don't fall again!!!

I was in line to buy gas, and watched the man in front of me slip but regain his posture and not fall. I assumed there must have been some ice and vowed to be careful. When I got to the pump, I saw no ice and continued about my business. I finally got the nozzle in hand and turned to face the car and realized what tripped the man (and me) was a very high curb on the side of the pump.

As I fell with nozzle in hand (not squeezed thankfully) I saw the outcome. Down I went but on the curb so I had a fighting chance at getting up.
My wife was reading something and never noticed me, but the lady at the pump across from me was horrified and wanted to help. Here she was a small Asian woman of 90-100 pounds trying to lift me at 300+. I had to argue with her and bang on our car door so my wife would see me and help. I had to argue with her not to help me either, just be there in case we needed an ambulance.

With much grunting and trickery I was able to get myself lifted to an upright position. I hurt! However, I refused to go home and rest, I didn’t want to fall into that kind of trap. My wife pumped the gas and we went food shopping, and then I went home.
Yes, it hurt, but I slept for an hour, took lots of Tylenol and went out as planned.

Mainly I was scared. But many years ago my mother had assured me that we fat people bounce not

She used to fall a bit too much as well.

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