Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You said Hookah Bar, not Hooker Bar......

Having been in the bars for several hours, my sons and I, on vacation together,  decided we needed some food. We went to the concierge, and he told us about a Mid-Eastern restaurant, right across the road from our resort, where we could find a good meal. We all love Mid-Eastern food so off we went.

What we didn’t know was it was a Club, or sort of, it was a Hookah Bar and it was Natasha’s 17th birthday.

So, you ask, who is Natasha? We still don’t know, but she was having a huge birthday party, with a DJ, and we ended up in the middle of it.

Much like a Saturday Night Live skit, we had gone into the Twilight Zone.

There were at least 30 people celebrating Natasha’s 17th birthday, with an age range of about 17 or 18 to about 35. They were perhaps Russian, Lebanese, and or Greek. They were all beautiful, sexy and well dressed, and it kept looking like the opening of CSI Miami. I kept waiting for the guys with the machine guns to run in and blast us all.

The music was loud,  and they passed the mike around so all of Natasha’s friends could wish her a happy birthday and it included her business partner. Who has a business partner at 17?

We kept drinking and eating amazing food, and it got wilder as the night wore on. The dancers (guests) were so sexy that none of us could believe it. The atmosphere was wonderful and loud.

As we neared the end of our ability to keep on eating and drinking, it just seemed so natural for us to get the Hookah, although none of my boys ever smoked.  I last smoked in 1968. It came with the ever popular Apple Mint flavour and we all smoked. I guess it must be a flavour enhanced herb of some sort but we persisted. It was fine, and later I used my “puffer” so I could once again breath.

As we left the party sometime after one, and they were all going strong. My youngest son and clearly our designated walker decided to go back across the middle of the street with me following, with traffic flowing, and we hit the median bushes with a chain link fence enclosed in them. There was no way two inebriated gentlemen would ever cross over a fence in the dark on a busy street, and after a number of close calls we made it to the light and crossed.

When we got back to our hotel, the good news was the bar had closed so we all went to sleep.

The next day was a “sit by the pool and repair our heads” day.

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