Sunday, September 18, 2011


My daughter was a supervisor of the Grade 9 Weekend, an overnight for first year high school students, and she was one of the assisting Grade 12 Students. She used the car to pick up one of her friends, and drove to school to stay all night, and return home in the morning. Because my wife had to work on Saturday morning, she was to take my car and I would be without a vehicle for an hour until my daughter came home to rest before going to work.

Friday night was ours, and we went to a local gourmet caterer and took out a beautiful dinner. The table was set, the wine was poured and my daughter called.
The battery was dead! She and her friend were sitting in the car for reason and it was locked and they opened the door and the alarm went off. This is a kid’s story for sure. It goes on…

The alarm went off and the flashers flashed so they got it to stop and the flashers were annoying, and would of course stop eventually, so they went inside. My daughter assumed that they would go off like delayed headlights. Actually, they go off when the battery dies.

I wanted to eat my dinner, and the girls were a pain in the butt, and they had no place to go as they would be at school all night anyway so I told my daughter to call in the morning and my wife would drive me to school and I would call CAA (AAA in Canada) and they would come out and meet me in case the battery was really dead. I ate dinner, a bit grumpy because kids drive me crazy.
She texted on and off all night to keep her sleeping mother informed of all events. Then, in the morning, she decided she would be leaving earlier than expected so I had to get there and fix things. I had looked for my battery cables and surprisingly found them in the evening, so I drove to the high school and met her and started the car. I asked her to keep it running for a while, and she was unable as she had to go back in. I drove the car around for about 15 minutes, went to the Tim Horton’s drive through and got a bagel and coffee, drove back, gave her the car and went home to give my wife my car so she could go to work. All this happened by 7:30 a.m.

I came home and fell asleep!

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