Friday, September 17, 2010

Mary Poppins (Sort Of)

Several days ago I had to take Max out for a walk late at night. Most of you know Max is the Wonderdog that inhabits my house, and he is with me much of the time.

I didn’t realize it was raining, and as I crossed the threshold, I was hit with the spray. I was ¾ out the door, with no protection, and I had to do something quick. Max was ready to go!

I pulled him back into the entryway and reached inside the door to look for an umbrella in the umbrella stand. In the past we’ve had several small, black ones that were masculine enough for me to feel comfortable using. I looked and saw three, two of which were so girly I couldn’t do it, and there was one black weird one I just took and ran with it.

As I walked along I opened the umbrella and it was a ghostly Mary Poppins that came to mind. I have no idea which "Nightmare before Christmas" look this was supposed to bring and for whom. I have no idea where it came from and it was nowhere near Halloween yet, so I am stumped! My wife, still in Scotland, could not be reached for comment.

So, as you can see, I held it over my head, trying to stay in the covered parts, laughing hysterically about my Mary Poppins image and trying to get the now, very wet Max, to take a dump!

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