Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Shoppers Adventure...

This one is complicated. It’s a simple story of standing in line yesterday at Shoppers Drugs waiting to make a purchase. The woman in front of me had a bunch of items to purchase, and it was a special day where one could get two gift cards at $10 each for any $75 purchase. One card was from Shoppers and one from Tim Horton’s.

I was purchasing a bottle of Tylenol on sale for $10.
The woman in front of me looked familiar, although she wasn’t, but I actually thought I knew her. She had one package, a gift item; she put aside after checking the price and decided to make her decision later on this item.
I offered, if she did not get to $75 to let her purchase my Tylenol to make up the difference. She thanked me but thought she’s made it. I think she thought I was offering my purchase to her and would give her the cash, but in all honesty, I only had $5 with me anyway.
By now the line was getting long and the cashier called for backup in the next isle.

The purchases came to $75.34 and she was good for the two gift cards, and all was right. The second cashier came up and asked for the next one in line, which was me.
The woman behind me, an older woman (although probably not older than me) yelled out, “That’s me!” and grabbed her stuff and went in the new line. The woman behind her yelled out that it was me that was next, not her, and she yelled at all of us, inventing a new shopping rule, “He put his package down already on the counter so I’m next!”

The woman behind me now began to get worried because she thought I was in need, as I was buying Tylenol. I let everyone know I wasn’t in a hurry, and it was OK that the lady pushed her way in front of the new line.

The woman getting the gift cards started apologising because someone must need those Tylenols and she was holding up the line. I told her I was fine, and we were OK, and she decided to purchase her one gift item if she could use her new $10 Shoppers card, as long as I didn’t mind. I assured her I didn’t and let the line know that the old woman who pushed her way in was rude and beyond acceptance. However, The Tylenol was just a fill in and everyone was feeling better.
Besides, I said, I was going to put then whole story of the Shoppers line on my blog, it was so much fun.

The woman with the $75 bill begged me not to use her name. I yelled out to her as she left, “I can’t use your name, I don’t know it!”
She didn’t tell me her name so I can only leave you with the story. I thought that it must have been a full moon. It wasn’t, I checked.

But somewhere there is a very nice woman, in her late 40’s, wearing a stylish black leather jacket who has a gift for someone that cost $19.99 and she got $10 off.

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