I kind of love shaving. I may seem obsessed when you look at
the number of times I’ve written about it, but since I do it at least once a
day, I have some things to say about it.
As a kid, when I first started, I liked thee razor and spent
some time trying out all the kinds one could buy. I had Gillette Blue Blades
and the more modern Schick dispenser, and even bought a Rolls Razor which
self-sharpened and nearly cut my face off trying to get a good shave forever,
for free.
In this world of mass produced things, one does not expect
to find and real custom items unless you are willing and able to pay for them.
I am neither willing nor able, so this story is not about some special custom
product, although it truly seems like it. I discovered somehow through social
media, “Harry’s Razors”.
I receive no product endorsement for anything I do, I have
not too much impact, but it seems appropriate that when I find something really
good, I let my friends know about it.
It seems through their web site information that two guys
went out to battle the giants and make a great razor. They sell the razor, the
custom made blades and a shaving cream at a fair and reasonable price,
competitive with all the big boys, and it works great!
They were marketing a new Canadian version and I saw it and
was intrigued. It was simply their regular product in Canadian Red. As well,
they were shipping to Canada. Yes, it cost more to get it here and I was going
to ship it to my US address, my mother-in-laws house, but I wouldn’t get it for
months until we went there. So, I bit the bullet and sent it to my house.
You can view their stuff at https://www.harrys.com. Maybe
just because my father’s name was Harry, I bit. It is a great product. There is
beautiful packaging, and as an artist it is greatly appreciated. I don’t love
the shaving cream particularly as I like the gel stuff in a can from the drug
store, but it’s OK. The blades are made in Germany and last a long time. They
have many layers, much like the big Gillette ones and last about the same
length of time (about 2 weeks for me) for less money per piece. They ship
directly to you and you can buy or get on a regular shipping plan. They come in
many beautiful styles and colours.
I wrote to them the other day to ask about the little
plastic blade cover that comes with the first razor, and wondered if I could
get another one or two to protect my blade in my shaving kit. The amazing thing
was a real guy wrote back and said he’d send them to me that day, for free, and
he even knew where I lived by my email so he didn’t need more information.
These are honest people with a great product going up
against the establishment (it’s a 60’s thing I know) and I think everyone
should give them a try!
No punch line here, just a nice feeling knowing I can help
influence a few folks.
Here’s another great review I found:
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