Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Paranormal Blank Wall #2

On August 20 I wrote:

“In a lot of horror movies and paranormal TV shows, children and dogs seem to sense spirits and demons when no one else can see them or know about their presence. I can speculate as to why these simple creatures are psychic, and my guess would be that they are presumed innocent and without baggage.

In any case, I have been noticing that Max, our dog, is sometimes, not too often, found sitting in the dining room staring at the wall.

He is looking at a space between the bar and the wall, just a blank wall. He seems interested and is staying in place. My wife has noticed this as well. I’m not saying he’s seeing things but, he is looking at things I do not see.

In looking to debunk this problem, I did notice the wall has an air intake for the furnace, so it is possible that voices of my children travel through the ductwork, even though I can’t hear them, but dogs hear very well. This is at least an explanation. I haven’t tested the theory as I haven’t been paying attention to his actions too often.

My hope is that it’s just a fluke, or a little bit of sound traveling through the house. In a few weeks when my daughters move back to Toronto, I will see if he stays in place. At that point I think I need a ghost hunter.”

Over this last weekend the family was out shopping and we eventually came home. Max was waiting for us and was satisfied when we returned. He gave us a look and went back to what he had been doing. I walked into the dining room and here he was, in the almost complete dark, staring at the blank wall again! He made no effort to hide it or to move away. He just stared.
I spoke about it to the family and miraculously he stopped staring, as if on cue, and walked into the living room to contemplate his discoveries.



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