Sunday, July 1, 2012


Years ago my first wife and I used to make fun of (behind their backs of course) her grandmother and her husband, because of the amount of medications with which they used to travel. We thought, as did most of the family, that this was ridiculous.

Now, I am as old today as they may have been then, I look at my own situation. While my mother-in-law takes great pride in the fact that she only takes one pill, she refuses to count the endless supply of vitamins sold to her by some silver tonged devil at a health food store because they don’t count to her as medicine.

I don’t really care about her, I am focusing on me. I have way too many necessary medications which keep me alive, I guess.

So, in keeping with that thought, I went to the dollar store and purchased a plastic box for my meds to separate them from my socks, I guess, and photographed that box so you could see the outrage!

Here are my friends. I complained to the pharmacist that I was getting to be just like all the old grandparents (I do have 7 grandchildren anyway so it is true) and have my box of meds, and she laughed and told me I hardly had any compared with their clientele.

I guess this makes me feel better.

1 comment:

  1. You would have twice as many south of the border.
