Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Hulk, Stanley's Pizza and Dundas, Ontario

The cretion of Stanley's Pizza as it appears in the movie, The Hulk, being built in Dundas.
The co-creator of the Hulk, Stanley Lieber is a.k.a. Stan "The Man" Lee.
The fictional Stanley Lieber, of Stanley's Pizza Parlor, was once a student at Culver University who took at job at Goodman's Pizza and a good friend of the owner Marty. Marty left and Stanley took over. It eventually became the big hangout for the students and outlasted all major chains that tried to move it. Bruce Banner worked for there when he was a student. Stanley had hopped that Bruce would follow in his footsteps and take over the restaurant. He also tends to measure distress by how many slices of pizza it takes to get over it, Bruce was a three and might have underestimated.

Bruce actually delivers pizza for a week before trying to get the data, while also following Betty around. He delivers to a dorm room full of physics students who argue over a problem that Bruce knows the answer to. He then goes to the Alpha Theta Omega sorority where they take the pizza without paying. He says his "don't make me angry" line but they laugh and brush him off. He then considers other lines that may be taken more seriously, such as "It's clobbering time" or "I'm the best there is at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice."

When sneaking into the lab Bruce finds student named Amadeus Cho studying for finals who he gives his pizza to. After failing to find the data Bruce receives a message from someone. Bruce believes that Ross may have found them but that seems unlikely.

After clicking Accept Bruce becomes frightened when an image of a monstrous creature rampages through walls, believing some did find him. Eventually the monster eats some pizza and Bruce realizes that it was just Cho joking around.

The pizza that Stanley makes for Betty is her favorite: plum tomatoes, shrimp, and peppers.
After leaving the pizza parlor Bruce thinks about jumping in front of a passing car but knows The Hulk would just stop him.

In the movie version of the story, Stanley’s Pizza was built in Dundas, Ontario. It lasted there for about three days. I was able to photograph it was they were building it.

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