Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It’s hard to stick a peep on your forehead successfully…..

Once a year I get the extreme pleasure of eating peeps! Every Eastertime I get a few through thefts from my daughters or the gift of peeps. I probably never bought my own (in the past 30 years), and more than maybe four would make me sick. But, when I get them I smile.

I had one from a small Easter basket I received on Saturday night at a dinner party, and some more on Sunday.

It was Sunday evening at the end of dinner, and I was sitting around talking and decided, maybe this part isn’t so normal, that I could probably stick a half peep, head facing out, on to my forehead and it would be sort of a third eye. It should have been sticky enough to stay and I’d make my daughter scream at me and kill herself laughing!

What a funny guy I am. How dumb can a 72 year old man be but to stick wet candy on his head?

The experiment failed, as I hit my wine glass on the way up with the peep, and spilled my remaining wine into my plate thankfully and not completely onto the table or my family. On top of all that, the peep didn’t stick and everyone looked at me trying  to do something weird, and I couldn’t stop laughing! I could hardly breathe it was so funny, but just to me!

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