Thursday, November 1, 2012

My friend Joanne had a few pairs of socks on hold at Mark’s...

My friend Joanne had a few pairs of socks on hold at Mark’s last Christmas, and when she went in to purchase them on the 20% off sale, she purchased a few other things and left with the socks and the other stuff, failing to pay for the socks when she left the store.

When she got home she realized her error, and she couldn’t sleep. She was a thief! Nothing anyone could do would make her feel better until she returned to Marks, apologised to everyone present and paid for the socks.

I laughed, because as anyone can see if you read the previous post, I would have posted about the great sock robbery I had pulled off, not lost sleep over some socks.

We are all a funny bunch!

I would never go out to steal goods from anyone, but if the occasion arises, and it’s a non-threatening mistake, I will be happy with my petty larceny. If I feel the salesperson will be held responsible for the loss, I will immediately announce the mistake, and I have. However, if it’s a legitimate error, non-traceable, I’m there.

Years ago when my son, a bank executive, walked out of the bank and realized ( near my house in Calgary) that the teller had made a large error and given him hundreds of dollars too much, he went right back to the bank and returned the funds, knowing too well the consequences for the teller.

I am a nice guy who would not cheat anyone on purpose (OK, maybe the customs guys), but I will admit to a bit of the thrill of it all.

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